Source code for traits.trait_dict_object

# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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import copy
import sys
from weakref import ref

from traits.observation.i_observable import IObservable
from traits.trait_base import Undefined, _validate_everything
from traits.trait_errors import TraitError

[docs]class TraitDictEvent(object): """ An object reporting in-place changes to a traits dict. Parameters ---------- removed : dict, optional Old keys and values that were just removed. added : dict, optional New keys and values that were just added. changed : dict, optional Updated keys and their previous values. Attributes ---------- removed : dict Old keys and values that were just removed. added : dict New keys and values that were just added. changed : dict Updated keys and their previous values. """ def __init__(self, *, removed=None, added=None, changed=None): if removed is None: removed = {} self.removed = removed if added is None: added = {} self.added = added if changed is None: changed = {} self.changed = changed def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"removed={self.removed!r}, " f"added={self.added!r}, " f"changed={self.changed!r})" )
[docs]@IObservable.register class TraitDict(dict): """ A subclass of dict that validates keys and values and notifies listeners of any change. Parameters ---------- value : dict or iterable, optional The initial dict or an iterable containing key-value pairs. key_validator : callable, optional Called to validate a key in the dict. The callable must accept a single key and return a validated key or raise a TraitError If not provided, all keys are considered valid. value_validator : callable, optional Called to validate a value in the dict. The callable must accept a single value and return a validated value or raise a TraitError If not provided, all values are considered valid. notifiers : list, optional A list of callables with the signature:: notifier(trait_dict, removed, added, changed) Where: 'removed' is a dict of key-values that are no longer in the dictionary. 'added' is a dict of new key-values that have been added. 'changed' is a dict with old values previously associated with the key. Attributes ---------- key_validator : callable Called to validate a key in the dict. The callable must accept a single key and return a validated key or raise a TraitError value_validator : callable Called to validate a value in the dict. The callable must accept a single value and return a validated value or raise a TraitError notifiers : list A list of callables with the signature:: notifier(trait_dict, removed, added, changed) Where: 'removed' is a dict of key-values that are no longer in the dictionary. 'added' is a dict of new key-values that have been added. 'changed' is a dict with old values previously associated with the key. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): self = super().__new__(cls) self.key_validator = _validate_everything self.value_validator = _validate_everything self.notifiers = [] return self def __init__(self, value=None, *, key_validator=None, value_validator=None, notifiers=None): if key_validator is not None: self.key_validator = key_validator if value_validator is not None: self.value_validator = value_validator if notifiers is None: notifiers = [] self.notifiers = notifiers if value is None: value = {} items = value.items() if hasattr(value, 'keys') else value value = {self.key_validator(key): self.value_validator(value) for key, value in items} super().__init__(value)
[docs] def notify(self, removed, added, changed): """ Call all notifiers. This simply calls all notifiers provided by the class, if any. The notifiers are expected to have the signature:: notifier(trait_dict, removed, added, changed) Any return values are ignored. """ for notifier in self.notifiers: notifier(self, removed, added, changed)
# -- dict interface ------------------------------------------------------- def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Set a value for the key, implements self[key] = value. Parameters ---------- key : A hashable object. The key for the value. value : any The value to set for the corresponding key. """ removed = {} validated_key = self.key_validator(key) validated_value = self.value_validator(value) if validated_key in self: changed = {validated_key: self[validated_key]} added = {} else: changed = {} added = {validated_key: validated_value} super().__setitem__(validated_key, validated_value) self.notify(removed=removed, added=added, changed=changed) def __delitem__(self, key): """ Delete the item from the dict indicated by the key. Parameters ---------- key : A hashable object. The key to be deleted. Raises ------ KeyError If the key is not found. """ removed = {key: self[key]} if key in self else {} super().__delitem__(key) self.notify(removed=removed, added={}, changed={}) if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): def __ior__(self, other): """ Update self with the contents of other. Parameters ---------- other : mapping or iterable of (key, value) pairs Values to be added to this dictionary. """ validated_dict = {} added = {} changed = {} items = other.items() if hasattr(other, 'keys') else other for key, value in items: validated_key = self.key_validator(key) validated_value = self.value_validator(value) if validated_key in self: changed[validated_key] = self[validated_key] else: added[validated_key] = validated_value validated_dict[validated_key] = validated_value retval = super().__ior__(validated_dict) if added or changed: self.notify(removed={}, added=added, changed=changed) return retval
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all items from the dict. """ was_empty = (self == {}) removed = self.copy() super().clear() if not was_empty: self.notify(removed=removed, added={}, changed={})
[docs] def update(self, other): """ Update the values in the dict by the new dict or an iterable of key-value pairs. Parameters ---------- other : dict or iterable The dict from which values will be updated into this dict. """ validated_dict = {} added = {} changed = {} items = other.items() if hasattr(other, 'keys') else other for key, value in items: validated_key = self.key_validator(key) validated_value = self.value_validator(value) if validated_key in self: changed[validated_key] = self[validated_key] else: added[validated_key] = validated_value validated_dict[validated_key] = validated_value super().update(validated_dict) if added or changed: self.notify(removed={}, added=added, changed=changed)
[docs] def setdefault(self, key, value=None): """ Returns the value if key is present in the dict, else creates the key-value pair and returns the value. Parameters ---------- key : A hashable object. Key to the item. """ if key in self: return self[key] validated_key = self.key_validator(key) validated_value = self.value_validator(value) if validated_key in self: changed = {validated_key: self[validated_key]} added = {} else: changed = {} added = {validated_key: validated_value} super().__setitem__(validated_key, validated_value) self.notify(removed={}, added=added, changed=changed) return validated_value
[docs] def pop(self, key, value=Undefined): """ Remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, the default value is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. Parameters ---------- key : A hashable object. Key to the dict item. value : any Value to return if key is absent. """ should_notify = (value is Undefined or key in self) if value is Undefined: removed = super().pop(key) else: removed = super().pop(key, value) if should_notify: self.notify( removed={key: removed}, added={}, changed={} ) return removed
[docs] def popitem(self): """ Remove and return some (key, value) pair as a tuple. Raise KeyError if dict is empty. Returns ------- key_value : tuple Some 2-tuple from the dict. Raises ------ KeyError If the dict is empty """ item = super().popitem() self.notify(removed=dict([item]), added={}, changed={}) return item
# -- pickle and copy support ---------------------------------------------- def __getstate__(self): """ Get the state of the object for serialization. Notifiers are transient and should not be serialized. """ result = self.__dict__.copy() # notifiers are transient and should not be serialized del result["notifiers"] return result def __setstate__(self, state): """ Restore the state of the object after serialization. Notifiers are transient and are restored to the empty list. """ state['notifiers'] = [] self.__dict__.update(state) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Perform a deepcopy operation. Notifiers are transient and should not be copied. """ result = TraitDict( dict(copy.deepcopy(x, memo) for x in self.items()), key_validator=copy.deepcopy(self.key_validator, memo), value_validator=copy.deepcopy(self.value_validator, memo), notifiers=[] ) return result # -- Implement IObservable ------------------------------------------------ def _notifiers(self, force_create): """ Return a list of callables where each callable is a notifier. The list is expected to be mutated for contributing or removing notifiers from the object. Parameters ---------- force_create: boolean Not used here. """ return self.notifiers
[docs]class TraitDictObject(TraitDict): """ A subclass of TraitDict that fires trait events when mutated. This is for backward compatibility with Traits 6.0 and lower. This is used by the Dict trait type, and all values set into a Dict trait will be copied into a new TraitDictObject instance. Mutation of the TraitDictObject will fire a "name_items" event with appropriate added, changed and removed values. Parameters ---------- trait : CTrait instance The CTrait instance associated with the attribute that this dict has been set to. object : HasTraits The object this dict belongs to. Can also be None in cases where the dict has been disconnected from its HasTraits parent. name : str The name of the attribute on the object. value : dict The dict of values to initialize the TraitDictObject with. Attributes ---------- trait : CTrait instance The CTrait instance associated with the attribute that this dict has been set to. object : callable A callable that when called with no arguments returns the HasTraits object that this dict belongs to, or None if there is no such object. name : str The name of the attribute on the object. name_items : str The name of the items event trait that the trait dict will fire when mutated. """ def __init__(self, trait, object, name, value): self.trait = trait self.object = (lambda: None) if object is None else ref(object) = name self.name_items = None if trait.has_items: self.name_items = name + "_items" super().__init__(value, key_validator=self._key_validator, value_validator=self._value_validator, notifiers=[self.notifier]) def _key_validator(self, key): """ Key validator based on the Dict's key_trait. Parameters ---------- key : A hashable object. The key to validate. Returns ------- validated_key : A hashable object. The validated key. Raises ------ TraitError If the validation fails. """ trait = getattr(self, 'trait', None) object = getattr(self, 'object', lambda: None)() # Deserialized TraitDictObjects without 'trait' and 'object' set # will not validate its keys if trait is None or object is None: return key validate = trait.key_trait.validate if validate is None: return key try: return validate(object,, key) except TraitError as excep: excep.set_prefix("Each key of the") raise excep def _value_validator(self, value): """ Value validator based on the Dict's value_trait. Parameters ---------- value : any The value to validate. Returns ------- validated_value : any The validated value. Raises ------ TraitError If the validation fails. """ trait = getattr(self, 'trait', None) object = getattr(self, 'object', lambda: None)() # Deserialized TraitDictObjects without 'trait' and 'object' set # will not validate its values if trait is None or object is None: return value validate = trait.value_trait.validate if validate is None: return value try: return validate(object,, value) except TraitError as excep: excep.set_prefix("Each value of the") raise excep
[docs] def notifier(self, trait_dict, removed, added, changed): """ Fire the TraitDictEvent with the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- trait_dict : dict The complete dictionary. removed : dict Dict of removed items. added : dict Dict of added items. changed : dict Dict of changed items. """ if self.name_items is None: return object = self.object() if object is None: return if getattr(object, is not self: # Workaround having this dict inside another container which # also uses the name_items trait for notification. # See enthought/traits#25 return event = TraitDictEvent(removed=removed, added=added, changed=changed) items_event = self.trait.items_event() object.trait_items_event(self.name_items, event, items_event)
# -- pickle and copy support ---------------------------------------------- def __getstate__(self): """ Get the state of the object for serialization. Object and trait should not be serialized. """ result = super().__getstate__() del result["object"] del result["trait"] return result def __setstate__(self, state): """ Restore the state of the object after serialization. """ state.setdefault("name", "") state["notifiers"] = [self.notifier] state["object"] = lambda: None state['trait'] = None self.__dict__.update(state) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Perform a deepcopy operation.. Object is a weakref and should not be copied. """ result = TraitDictObject( self.trait, None,, dict(copy.deepcopy(x, memo) for x in self.items()), ) return result