Source code for traits.util.clean_strings

# (C) Copyright 2005-2021 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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""" Provides functions that mange strings to avoid characters that would be
    problematic in certain situations.

# Standard library imports.
import copy
import datetime
import keyword
import re
import unicodedata
import warnings

[docs]def clean_filename(name, replace_empty=""): """ Make a user-supplied string safe for filename use. Returns an ASCII-encodable string based on the input string that's safe for use as a component of a filename or URL. The returned value is a string containing only lowercase ASCII letters, digits, and the characters '-' and '_'. This does not give a faithful representation of the original string: different input strings can result in the same output string. .. deprecated:: 6.3.0 This function will be removed in a future version of Traits. Parameters ---------- name : str The string to be made safe. replace_empty : str, optional The return value to be used in the event that the sanitised string ends up being empty. No validation is done on this input - it's up to the user to ensure that the default is itself safe. The default is to return the empty string. Returns ------- safe_string : str A filename-safe version of string. """ warnings.warn( "clean_filename is deprecated and will eventually be removed", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # Code is based on Django's slugify utility. # name = ( unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name) .encode('ascii', 'ignore') .decode('ascii') ) name = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', name).strip().lower() safe_name = re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', name) if safe_name == "": return replace_empty return safe_name
[docs]def clean_timestamp(dt=None, microseconds=False): """ Return a timestamp that has been cleansed of characters that might cause problems in filenames, namely colons. If no datetime object is provided, then uses the current time. The timestamp is in ISO-8601 format with the following exceptions: * Colons ':' are replaced by underscores '_'. * Microseconds are not displayed if the 'microseconds' parameter is False. .. deprecated:: 6.3.0 This function will be removed in a future version of Traits. Parameters ---------- dt : None or datetime.datetime If None, then the current time is used. microseconds : bool Display microseconds or not. Returns ------- A string timestamp. """ warnings.warn( "clean_timestamp is deprecated and will eventually be removed", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if dt is None: dt = else: # Operate on a copy. dt = copy.copy(dt) if not microseconds: # The microseconds are largely uninformative but annoying. dt = dt.replace(microsecond=0) stamp = dt.isoformat().replace(":", "_") return stamp
[docs]def python_name(name): """ Attempt to make a valid Python identifier out of a name. """ if len(name) > 0: # Replace spaces with underscores. name = name.replace(" ", "_").lower() # If the name is a Python keyword then prefix it with an # underscore. if keyword.iskeyword(name): name = "_" + name # If the name starts with a digit then prefix it with an # underscore. if name[0].isdigit(): name = "_" + name return name